Is your business moving offices soon? Are you feeling a little overwhelmed trying to keep track of all the details?
If this sounds like you, don’t worry. It’s perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed when moving offices. Moving an office can be a lot more complicated and take a lot more planning than moving a household.
And, we all know how complicated moving a household can be! Therefore, it is very important that you take the right steps before moving day comes around. Proper planning and preparation will help your transition go as smoothly as possible.
That way, you can focus on the excitement of switching offices instead of the stress.
So, what do you need to do prepare yourself and your employees for an office move? Read on to find out.
Determine a Time Frame
Determining a time from for your move is one of the first things you should do.
You’ll want to set a final move out date, in which everyone’s stuff needs to be out of the office. Plus, there will obviously be things you need to do in the weeks and days leading up to the move. Therefore, you will need to set dates for these tasks as well.
Making a checklist is the best way to keep track of what you need to do week by week. Your checklist should look something like this:
2 Months Before the Move
- Research and hire the best movers
- Set a moving date and determine a timeframe for the move
- Communicate dates and info to your property manager
- Inform those involved in the moving process about the details of the move. This includes employees, movers, and suppliers
- If you have a large business, get a list of all the employees who will be involved in the move, and give them specific instructions about the timeline as well as what responsibilities they have leading up to the move and on moving day
1 Month Before the Move
- Notify clients, suppliers, and others you deem important of your change of address and phone number
- Order new marketing materials with updated contact information (business cards, promo products, stationery, etc)
- Create an inventory of all items that need to be moved to the new location
- Clean out, recycle and donate unnecessary items such as papers, furniture, office equipment, etc
- Find a reputable charity for the items you are donating so you can get a tax deduction
3 Weeks Before the Move
- Inform service providers about your move (electric, phone, gas, and waste management companies)
- Make sure there is an access spot for the moving truck to park. If your building is downtown, you may need to obtain a parking permit
- Notify any surrounding businesses in the event your move will obstruct a shared entryway
- Reserve elevators in your building with your property manager for moving day
2 Weeks Before a Move
- If moving sensitive items, arrange for a security guard to stand by the moving truck on moving day
- Figure out where you want furniture, desks, and other large items to go in your new office. This will expedite the unloading process.
- Get the cell phone numbers of every employee involved in the move
The Week of the Move to Moving Day
- Make a list of authorised personnel who will be in your new space and old space on move-in day
- If your new office is in a large building, install direction signs so movers and employees can easily find it
- Label all furniture, equipment, and other items that will be moved
Are You Ready for Your Office Move Day?
By following these guidelines, you will be extremely well prepared for your office move.
As we said, staying organised and getting help from employees is key to a smooth transition. But, there’s something even more important than both of those things: choosing the right movers.
Contact us to learn how our movers can help you with your office move.